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CoWorking - Accountability & Motivation

Working remotely can increase your productivity and motivation, but the isolation of working alone can decrease them. With virtual CoWorking, you can get all the benefits of remote working without any of the drawbacks.

Join us for as little or as long as you'd like. We'll take a few minutes at the top of each hour to share what we're all working on and then we'll get to it!

CoWorking in the community is a great way to learn about the other members and what goals they have. Perhaps you find someone working on the same thing and can further collaborate!

RSVP to schedule time to work on your special project or just get a monkey off your back.

This event is hosted in the MyBestSelf Community, click the button below to become a member and join this workshop for free.

April 25

Virtual Coffee Break

April 28

Virtual Coffee Break