1.0: Becoming Fit & Healthy - Most Common Self-Improvement Goals Series
What does it mean to be fit and healthy?
That definition is different for everyone and everybody. It depends on where you are now and where you want to be. For this and all other self-improvement goals, you are the only one you should compare yourself to. Everyone has their own journey, their own struggles, and their own wins. When you stop comparing yourself to others (I know it's hard), that's when you can start being authentic and true to yourself and your needs, wants, and desires.
Eating Related
Eat more...vegetables! Crowd out junk food with better food. Reframe this as putting more good food in rather than taking out the not-so-good-for-you foods.
Eat slow, chew more - I notice this when I'm eating something a bit tough like kale or red meat, but in practice, we are supposed to even chew our soup to allow time for the enzymes in our saliva to start working!
Eat your favorite foods, just not as much - This is my number one issue! I love to cook (and I'm good at it). Even though I cook healthy food I typically take portions that are too much for my current activity levels.
Remove temptations - Whether your temptation is sweet or salty, avoid bringing it into your house. If you do bring it in, pre-portion it so you only grab a small amount at a time.
Plan, plan, plan! - Failure to plan is planning to fail. Make your mealtime a more conscious activity. When you are just starting out buy a meal plan that's already pre-defined and will help you get started.
"Look over there!" - Distraction can be very helpful to break up routine snacking. I try to make sure I'm always doing something with my hands like knitting while watching TV, this way I can't snack! Other distractions can be drinking water, taking a quick 10-minute walk, or calling someone for a chat.
Movement Related
Take the stairs - I could tell a remarkable difference after recently spending 5-weeks at my parent's home and having to climb stairs multiple times a day. Thanks to my fitness watch, I can see that my average flights climbed jumped from 12 to 24! When I returned home I can feel the difference now when I take the stairs, I'm not out of breath at all.
Start small, but consistent - pick something, anything, and do it consistently for a month. Don't try to get big ideas or goals, just do something small but something you can do every day. I'm walking every morning for 3km.
Make it fun - do your activity with a friend or pick another form of entertainment like a good audiobook or podcast. When you add in the fun, the whole experience is more enjoyable and can boost your motivation.
Join a team - there is evidence that when you work out with a team you push yourself harder than if you worked out alone. Find an activity and join the team!