Read the Book

SPARKED is one part revelation, one-part reimagination, and one-part rally cry to reclaim your work and life as a source of purpose, excitement, and possibility!

Building on your hidden imprint for work that makes you come alive - your Sparketype® - you'll discover what lights you up, what empties you out, where you stumble, and how to avoid and recover from your triggers. You'll learn from the stories, experiences, and insights of others who share your unique wiring and begin to take the steps needed to reimagine the way you work as a profoundly enlivening and inspiring experience.

Equally important, you’ll feel seen, embraced, accepted, and championed for who you are on the deepest level, maybe for the first time ever. And you’ll be equipped with a whole new set of insights, tools, and processes to transform work into a conduit for meaning, energy, purpose, and possibility.

Listen to the Podcast

We’re all in a moment. And, we’re asking the big questions. Especially about work.

Should I join The Great Resignation? Should I stay and just keep on, keeping on. Or, reimagine, reinvent, maybe even start my own thing? Can I really expect more than just a paycheck and stability from work? How do I navigate the overwhelm, burnout, and work-life-bleed that’s turned work-from-home into never-stop-working? What about purpose, joy, excitement, time to breathe, and live? What about that nagging tension between money and meaning, the desire to feel secure and the quest to do something that makes you come alive - that sparks you?

These are the questions we’ll be diving into on the SPARKED podcast. Every week, we invite a listener to share what’s going on in their work & life, then pose a specific question. Then, our host, award-winning author, advisor, and founder, Jonathan Fields, and a rotating lineup of wise mentors from the SPARKED Braintrust will share insights, ideas, strategies, resources and tips to help us all better align what we do with who we are, so we can find and do more of what makes us come alive.

Here are the next Sparketype events

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